Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Classification of Cost Behavior Variable or Fixed

|Course Code |MBA 625 |Course Name |Corporate Finance | |Date | |Due date |Week 4 | |Maximum Marks |100 |Weight |20% | |Learning Outcomes |LO1, LO2 ,LO3,LO4,LO5 | |Student Name | |†¦show more content†¦9,200 | |Factory Utilities | 14,000 | |Factory Supplies Used | 5,200 | |General Administrative Expense | 45,000 | |Indirect Labor | 9,660 | |Repairs-Factory Equipment | 3,500 | |Raw Materials Purchases | 54,000 | |Sales Salaries | 48,000 | Question II: ANSWER |CROSSINGS COMPANY | |Direct materials | |Beginning raw materials inventory |$ 11,000 | |Raw materials purchases |54,000 | |Raw materials available forShow MoreRelatedCost Classification800 Words   |  4 PagesCost classification is the process of grouping costs according to their common characteristics. A suitable classification of costs is of vital importance in order to identify the cost with cost centres or cost units. 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